Han Meets World

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What are you #InspiredBy?

One thing I hear from a lot of people is "wow you have a blog! I've always wanted to  start a blog, but I don't know what to write." I speak to a lot of people who want to make a difference and they have ideas, but they don't know how to - or if they 'should' - take action.

So my first question is: why do you want to blog?

I chose to blog because I have always loved writing, I love tech and I love documenting my life.

Second question: do you want to blog to make a difference or for fame?

Well you know what I'm going to say to that one. So the alternative question is: are you being true to yourself?


*Working a digital literacy conference circa 2015.

So, if you have answered these questions and you are sure that blogging/vlogging/being a digital influencer is your thing, the next question is: what are you inspired by?

2016 has been an, ahem, interesting year.

More and more people want to contribute their voice and their time. Whether that is to help others, motivate others, inspire others or make a difference.

For me, from my own small space in the world, I am committed to inspiring others to make the difference they want to make and live their best lives. Whether that is becoming the next campaign.org leader or buying a house in Marbs. I want to inspire you, dear reader, to fulfil on your dream.

I want to start a conversation. Some action.


And that's where I am looking at you, yes you, dear reader!

Do you want to make a difference? Do you have a digital idea or campaign that you want to connected on?

I want to start working with you!


I need:

*a photographer.

*digital influencers of all shapes, sizes and specialties to be photographed, attend the event and share the message.


What do you get in return?

Networking opportunities, skills experience and exposure.


Drop a line to hanmeetsworld@gmail.com if you're interested or have any more questions!

Let's make 2017 a bold one! 

Han x